Understanding the Latest IRS Ruling on Inherited IRAs: A Comprehensive Guide


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The IRS has released a new ruling—memorandum 54—that affects inherited IRAs and their beneficiaries. We aim to break down the complexities surrounding this issue, particularly focusing on how it applies to specific categories of beneficiaries.

The SECURE Act: A Brief Overview

Passed a few years ago, the SECURE Act changed the landscape for inherited IRAs. Its main objective was to accelerate the distribution of these assets, affecting both those who will inherit an IRA and those planning to leave one to their heirs.

Who are the Beneficiaries Affected by the New IRS Ruling?

The new ruling primarily affects a subset of beneficiaries known as “Designated Beneficiaries” under the SECURE Act.

Three Categories of Beneficiaries Under the SECURE Act

Eligible Designated Beneficiaries
These are people like the surviving spouse, minor children of the owner, and disabled or chronically ill individuals who can stretch out the distribution over their lifetime.

Designated Beneficiaries
These are mainly adult children, grandchildren, and others who do not fall under the ‘Eligible’ category. They generally must empty the IRA within 10 years.

Non-Designated Beneficiaries
This includes entities like trusts, charities, and estates. These beneficiaries generally must distribute the IRA within 5 years.

The New IRS Ruling: A Closer Look

The 10-Year Rule
This rule applies to “Designated Beneficiaries,” requiring them to empty the IRA within a 10-year period.

RMD Waivers for 2023
The new IRS ruling waives the required minimum distribution (RMD) for 2023 for a narrow group within the “Designated Beneficiaries” category.

Planning Tips for IRA Owners and Beneficiaries

Understand Which Category You Fall Into:
Knowing your category can help you plan better.

Don’t Just Defer:
Although the new IRS ruling allows for RMD waivers for 2023, deferring may create a “tax bomb” in the future.

Consult a Financial Advisor:
Sound financial planning can help you minimize the tax burden for yourself and your beneficiaries.


Understanding the nuances of the new IRS ruling on inherited IRAs can be complex, but it’s crucial for both IRA owners and beneficiaries. The SECURE Act and the latest IRS guidelines have made it imperative to revisit your estate planning strategies to adapt to these changes. By staying informed and planning wisely, you can navigate the complexities of inherited IRAs more effectively.

Inherited IRA – IRS Change to 10 Year Rule

Today, we break down the latest IRS memorandum (#54) on inherited IRAs and its implications on beneficiaries. With changes brought in by the Secure Act a few years ago, it’s essential to understand how these updates affect your retirement planning. We’ll help you understand which category of beneficiary you fall under, what this new ruling means, and how it could affect your future financial plans.

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Understanding the Latest IRS Ruling on Inherited IRAs: A Comprehensive Guide


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Understanding the Upcoming 2026 Income Tax Increase: What You Need to Know

A Brief History of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)

In today’s Cardinal lesson, we’re discussing the significant changes coming to income tax rates in 2026. This isn’t a proposal but a law already set in motion. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed in 2017 and effective from January 1, 2018, brought about substantial reductions in income taxes. However, these reductions were only funded for eight years, meaning they will expire at the end of 2025.

What Changes to Expect in 2026

As of January 1, 2026, the tax rates will revert to their 2017 levels, adjusted for inflation. Key changes include:

  • The 12% bracket will increase to 15%.
  • The 22% bracket will rise to 25%.
  • The top rate of 37% will revert to 39.6%.

Not Just a Proposal

It’s crucial to understand that this change is already the law. Many people mistakenly believe that the tax rate increases are still under discussion. However, unless Congress enacts new legislation, these higher rates will take effect as scheduled.

Implications for Your Financial Planning

Impact on IRAs and 401(k)s

With the current lower tax rates, now is the time to consider strategies like Roth conversions. By converting funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA now, you can potentially save a significant amount in taxes over the long term.

Why Planning Ahead is Crucial

For individuals with substantial retirement savings, understanding these changes is vital for effective tax planning. The window to take advantage of the current lower tax rates is closing, and planning ahead can make a significant difference.

Case Studies and Planning Opportunities

Hans Scheil and Tom Griffith discuss specific case studies and planning strategies in our latest video. These examples illustrate how different scenarios can be managed effectively:

  • Case Study 1: A married couple with an adjusted gross income of $150,000 in 2024 can convert part of their IRA to a Roth IRA, taking advantage of the lower current tax rates.
  • Case Study 2: High-net-worth individuals with large IRAs can save substantial amounts in taxes by planning conversions over the next two years.

Estate Tax Considerations

The TCJA also doubled the estate tax exemption, which will revert in 2026. This change can significantly impact high-net-worth individuals, making estate planning more crucial than ever.

Action Steps to Take Now

  • Review Your Current Tax Situation: Analyze how the upcoming changes will affect your finances.
  • Consider Roth Conversions: Take advantage of the lower tax rates before they expire.
  • Plan for Estate Taxes: Assess your estate plans in light of the changing exemptions.


The changes coming in 2026 are significant, but with proper planning and informed decision-making, you can navigate these changes effectively. Watch our video for more detailed insights and personalized advice.

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