Why You Should Consider Paying Taxes Now on Your Retirement Accounts


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Many retirees and individuals approaching retirement typically focus on strategies to defer tax payments. However, today we’re discussing the opposite. For those with significant savings in tax-deferred accounts, you may want to consider paying some taxes now.

National Debt and Tax Landscape:

Current National Debt: Nearly $33 trillion

Annual Federal Tax Collection: Around $5 trillion

Annual Federal Spending: $6.1 trillion

Deficit for 2022: About $1.7 trillion

Interest on National Debt: $711 billion

The Issue:

With the continuous increase in national debt and the widening gap between federal spending and tax collection, there are two primary solutions: reduce spending or increase taxes. Given the trajectory and historical patterns, the likelihood of increased tax rates in the future is high.

Historical Tax Rates:

1945: 94% (Post-WWII)
1981: 70%
1986: 50%
1992: 31% (Lowest)
2023: 37%

The Prediction:

Given the current national debt situation and historical patterns, it’s predicted that tax rates could increase significantly in the future. This can have a considerable impact on retirees withdrawing from tax-deferred accounts in higher tax brackets.

Strategies to Consider:

Roth Conversions:
Convert pre-tax retirement accounts into Roth accounts by paying taxes now. This allows future withdrawals to be tax-free.

Immediate Distributions:
Instead of deferring distributions, start living off your retirement savings now to leverage current lower tax rates.

Life Insurance:
Money can accumulate in certain life insurance policies and be accessed tax-free in the future.


It’s essential to be proactive and consider the tax implications of your retirement savings. Paying taxes at today’s lower rates could potentially save you a significant amount in the future, given the predicted rise in tax rates. Always consult with a financial advisor to tailor strategies to your personal situation.

Early Distribution of IRA 401k Balance

Today Hans and Tom delve deep into an often overlooked area of retirement planning – considering the potential future of income taxes. They explore the current state of the national debt and consider how this might affect tax rates in the years to come. With nearly $33 trillion in national debt and growing, the implications for your IRA and 401k are worth noting.

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